
Audiobook Now Available!

Hey! Remember that mental health memoir I wrote called “Brett Polar”? Well now it’s out in audiobook format! Sorry it’s not my own nasal monotone narration (thank god🤣). It’s narrated by Matthe ........

The Running Deep Podcast

Recorded an hour long mental health podcast on “The Running Deep” podcast that you can find on Spotify.Discussed the book and all things mental health, self care, suicide prevention and kindness. ........

Brett Polar Book Launch

More photos from the launch in Margaret River.

Margaret River Book Launch!

Had the pleasure of hosting my “Brett Polar” book launch on the weekend of the Margaret River Pro. This is the fifth stop on the world surf tour and brings a lot of surf fans to town.

great feedback so far

I’ve had some great feedback so far. Readers have said it is very honest and relatable. Also that it feels like they are reading about their own misadventures through the conundrum of adulthood.Chee ........

Body Image

My weight has certainly fluctuated over the years.I’ve found with bipolar you generally have two choices when it comes to weight. You can be either:A. unmedicated, thin and anxiousorB. medicated, tub ........

Indonesian Travels

Have had some fantastic times and travels through Indonesia over the years. As can be seen from these photos at G-land and Desert Point in 2006.

The pursuit of Flow State

Surfing always has and always will be my number one passion.The ocean is a constant unit of measure and will quickly let you know where your head is at. Generally speaking the wilder and more ........

Gold Coast Times

I spent most of 2014/2015 living on the Gold Coast of Australia. It was a fantastic period of self-exploration miles from the familiar and I met some great characters.

Photos with partner Tania

The one I’d been waiting for. Tania and I have been together for five turbulent years and hopefully many more!

Brett Polar Photo Album

Always good to have a few photos to go along with the words! Here are some shots in reference to content in the book.

Book Payment Update

Hey guys welcome to the site! Super excited for my Brett Polar book project with Austin Macauley to be off the ground.As with all big projects looks like I’ve got some teething issues to sort throug ........